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"I like to listen to all kinds of opinions. That´s the biggest key I believe. You have to listen to all aspects of opinions, and beliefs, and facts, and you have to decide for yourself on what you believe as far as religion, politics, all these things. The thing that drives me the most crazy is intolarence. I hate when people... I´m intolorant of intolarence! That´s the only intoloration that I will intolorate! Hahaha! ... If you think someone has a stupid opinion, so what?
Let them have that opinion. Everybody is entitled to how the believe and if you think they´re idiots for believing that, well it´s just because you´re not in their shoes. You didn´t grow up in the same house that they grew up. You didn´t go to the same school they went to. You weren´t raised in the same religion they were raised in. You didn´t have the same dad or mom. So you wouldn´t understand. But if you were, you would get it. And in the end, here is the most prothetic piece of language and prothetic knowledge there is, and it´s simple, and it sounds retarded, but it really is wise. And it´s this; People are people. We all like the same things. We look the same. We all want to be happy. We all want to have long lasting relationships that are meaningful and loving and we all want to succeed in life. That´s what everybody wants. We all want the same thing. We just all come from different backgrounds. So it´s okay if people think a certain way. That´s what drives me the most crazy, is like, you know, when people just can´t accept that somebody else has a different point of view. It´s okay!
That person is different than you. Accept it, learn from that person. Instead of like 'Aw you´re an idiot! I´m not going to listen to you!' Just listen to what they have to say and see if there is any merit."

- Shay Carl

Postat av: Maria - med bebis i magen ☆

haha jo sex, långa promenader och stark mat har testats :p tror ändå inte man kan påverka själv. kroppen startar nog när den är redo :)

2011-11-01 @ 14:09:04
Postat av: Lucas Gustavsson

Anmäl dig till dagens blogg hos mig och ta del av mina 1800 läsare per dag om du känner för det :)

2011-11-07 @ 15:11:37
Postat av: cammie


2011-11-08 @ 10:31:25
Postat av: Lucas Gustavsson

Anmäl dig till dagens blogg hos mig och ta del av mina 1800 läsare om du känner för det :)

2011-11-08 @ 15:14:15
Postat av: Michelle

Gud så fin din header är:)

2011-11-08 @ 16:10:16
Postat av: TINA

Hej :) Följa varandra via bloglovin? Följ mig där så börjar jag följa dig direkt! :)

2011-11-11 @ 15:44:14

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